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Summer Siding Clean-Up

Tuesday Jul 4th, 2023


Good siding can go a long way toward making your home look beautiful. For a lot of homeowners, they discover only one big drawback to having siding on their homes: it needs to be cleaned to keep it looking its best. Depending on the color of your siding, you may notice dirty streaks, dusty discoloration, and possibly even green tints from algae or mildew that will need to come off in order to restore your siding’s beauty. Fortunately, cleaning siding usually isn’t too difficult,... [read more]

How to Keep Your Ductwork Clean

Wednesday Apr 26th, 2023


Your home’s HVAC system works hard throughout the year. Unfortunately, this can cause it to experience problems over time, often at a time when you’d really rather it not fail on you. This is why yearly maintenance and inspections are recommended, since a little bit of attention now can save you a whole lot of problems (and money) later on. There’s more that you can do to help your HVAC system stay in good working order than just having it inspected and maintained, though.... [read more]

Economical Upgrades to Increase Your Home’s Value

Monday Jan 9th, 2023


Whether you are looking to move now or may consider it in the future, there are many affordable options for making significant changes to your home without having to do a major renovation. With low-cost purchases of supplies, DIY instructions or professional guidance, and time set aside, you can make improvements that will increase your home’s resale value, save you money on energy costs, and improve your quality of living. When considering improvements, consider what needs attention... [read more]

12 Tips to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Wednesday Dec 28th, 2022


Now that the winter months are upon us, do you once again dread another season of sky-high heating and electric bills? Although you may blame this on inflation and other factors that are out of your control, as a homeowner, you have control over how efficiently your home uses energy. To use power more efficiently to save yourself a bundle on your bills, you must be aware of your level of energy consumption. You have to examine your habits and the function of your appliances to figure out where... [read more]

Signs That You May Need a New Roof

Friday Jan 27th, 2023


We often take the roof above our heads for granted because we know it will protect us from the outside elements. Ultimately, we face the harsh reality that it will eventually age and need to be replaced. A worn and damaged roof can cause significant interior and exterior damage to your home if left unattended. Some roofs last longer than others, but with time, weather patterns, and unexpected circumstances, eventually, it will be time to replace this major protectant. Knowing the early signs or... [read more]

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